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Tired of countless hours of exhausting annotation? Looking for high quality annotations done with little effort? Looking for a fresh and intuitive app to do your annotations?

We’ve got your back! And the best of it: you can use textada for free!

Be among the first to benefit from these advantages and many more by joining our early adopter program (EAP)!

We’ll send you a link to confirm your EAP application. It may take up to 15 minutes to arrive. Please also check your spam-folder.

get textada for free

Tired of countless hours of exhausting annotation? Looking for high quality annotations done without effort? Looking for a fresh and intuitive app to do your annotations?

We’ve got your back! And the best of it: you can use textada for free!

Be among the first to benefit from these advantages and many more by joining our early adopter program (EAP)!

We’ll send you a link to confirm your EAP application. It may take up to 15 minutes to arrive. Please also check your spam-folder.

early adopter program

manual annotation tools

annotation assistant

keyword assistant

detailed statistical insights

custom export options

access to support forum

1GB project size

runs in any desktop browser
